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Lorenzo Fields
Abilities and Gear

Lorenzo Julius Fields is a mean spirited young boy. He thinks it's funny when people get beat up and he has no problem putting others "in there place".


Lorenzo Fields' life has been a harrowing tale of pain and struggle, shaped by the devastating presence of his alcoholic parents. His journey began in a household plagued by addiction, where his parents, Mark and Linda Fields, prioritized their substance abuse over their parental responsibilities. Throughout his formative years, Lorenzo endured unimaginable suffering, enduring the brunt of his parents' neglect, abuse, and erratic behavior.

The toxic environment Lorenzo grew up in took a heavy toll on his emotional well-being. The constant chaos, volatile arguments, and physical violence eroded his sense of self-worth. The lack of love and support left him feeling invisible and abandoned, perpetuating a cycle of pain that seemed inescapable.

As Lorenzo entered adolescence, his troubled home life manifested in destructive behaviors. Fueled by anger, confusion, and a desperate need for attention, he sought solace in rebellion. The absence of positive role models and a stable environment pushed him further down a treacherous path, resulting in frequent encounters with law enforcement and multiple stays in juvenile detention centers.

Despite the punitive measures imposed on him, Lorenzo's time in juvie failed to break the cycle of his troubled past. The system struggled to address the deep-rooted wounds inflicted by his parents' alcoholism and the trauma he had endured. The seeds of despair planted in his childhood continued to bear bitter fruit, shaping his identity and perpetuating his self-destructive patterns.

Lorenzo's journey, marked by pain and incarceration, has left him with a profound sense of hopelessness. The scars of his upbringing run deep, and the lack of resources and support have hindered his ability to heal and break free from the cycle of addiction and dysfunction.

Today, Lorenzo remains trapped in the web of his past, his identity indelibly shaped by the wounds of his upbringing. Despite moments of fleeting optimism and the occasional glimmer of hope, the road ahead appears daunting and uncertain. The deep-rooted trauma and the absence of a nurturing environment have impeded his ability to envision a different future for himself.

As Lorenzo navigates the tumultuous waters of his existence, it becomes clear that breaking free from the chains of his past will require a combination of external support and internal resilience. Without intervention, it seems likely that he will continue to struggle, unable to shake off the weight of his traumatic upbringing. The path to redemption remains elusive, and the journey toward healing and transformation appears to be an arduous one for Lorenzo Fields, with no end in sight.


Lorenzo Fields is a complex individual whose life has been tragically shaped by the torment of his parents' alcoholism. Growing up in a household consumed by addiction, Lorenzo experienced a childhood marred by neglect, abuse, and instability. His parents, Mark and Linda Fields, chose the bottle over their responsibilities as guardians, perpetuating an environment of chaos and emotional turmoil.

The scars inflicted by Lorenzo's parents run deep, and their influence has forged him into the person he is today. The constant exposure to his parents' inebriated states and their abusive treatment has left an indelible mark on his psyche, shaping his worldview and, regrettably, transforming him into a deeply troubled individual.

The neglect and mistreatment he endured at the hands of his parents have created a monster within Lorenzo, a manifestation of the pain and anger that has consumed him over the years. Their inability to provide the love, stability, and guidance he needed left a void that was filled with resentment and an overwhelming sense of powerlessness.

Lorenzo's transformation into a monster is not a choice he willingly made, but rather a result of the twisted upbringing he was subjected to. The emotional wounds inflicted by his parents have festered and grown over time, fueling a deep-seated rage that has become an intrinsic part of his personality.

Despite the recognition of his monstrous nature, Lorenzo remains trapped in a cycle of self-destruction, unable to escape the influence of his upbringing. The scars of his past continue to haunt him, driving him to perpetuate the pain he has endured onto others, perpetuating a cycle of abuse and torment.

It is important to acknowledge that Lorenzo's monstrous demeanor is not a reflection of his inherent character, but rather a desperate attempt to cope with the trauma he has suffered. Underneath the hardened exterior lies a broken soul yearning for healing and redemption, but the road to recovery remains obscured by the weight of his past.

It is a tragic reality that Lorenzo's journey toward healing and transformation appears arduous and uncertain. Breaking free from the clutches of his parents' alcoholism requires an immense amount of external support, therapy, and compassion. Only through a comprehensive and long-term approach can Lorenzo hope to confront his demons and reclaim his humanity.

While Lorenzo's current state may paint him as a monster, it is crucial to remember that monsters are often created by circumstances beyond their control. With the right interventions and a willingness to confront his painful past, there remains a glimmer of hope that Lorenzo can eventually break free from the shackles of his upbringing and rediscover the goodness that lies buried within.

In the midst of Lorenzo Fields' tumultuous upbringing, his younger siblings, Norwood and Milana Fields, managed to escape the clutches of their dysfunctional home. Recognizing the toxic environment and the detrimental effects of their parents' alcoholism, Norwood and Milana found refuge with their understanding cousins. It was a bittersweet moment for Lorenzo, as he watched his siblings escape the chains that bound them to their troubled upbringing while he remained trapped in his own personal hell.

Lorenzo's inability to break free from the destructive patterns that have plagued his life has had a profound impact on his relationships, particularly with romantic partners. His experiences growing up have distorted his perception of love and intimacy, leading him to view any "girlfriend" he has as mere possessions to be controlled and dominated. Unable to trust or connect on a deeper emotional level, Lorenzo resorts to treating his partners as objects, mirroring the disregard and objectification he witnessed within his own family.

This troubling behavior perpetuates the cycle of pain and dysfunction that has characterized Lorenzo's life. His inability to form healthy and respectful relationships further isolates him, reinforcing the walls he has built around himself. Until he confronts and addresses the root causes of his behavior, Lorenzo will continue to struggle in his interactions with others, perpetuating the toxic patterns he inherited from his parents.

It is crucial to remember that while Lorenzo's actions may seem monstrous, they are a reflection of the scars he carries from his troubled upbringing. With the right support, therapy, and a commitment to personal growth, there is hope that Lorenzo can break free from the chains of his past, heal his wounded soul, and learn to build healthy, meaningful connections based on mutual respect and love.


Main article: Lorenzo_Fields/Relationships

Character Quotes[]

You are my property. I tell you when to talk, move, or whatever!

Don't you dare make a move without my okay! Get it? Got it? Good.

I am your master, you may... no, you will call me Sir or Lord

Ugh here you are yet again sticking your nose where it doesn't belong Maxwell

—Lorenzo to Alex upon arriving outside of Redwood after his 15th time being released from Juvie


Lorenzo: "What did i tell you? Only I may speak UNLESS I TELL YOU OTHERWISE!!!"
Ning Xiu : "* shuddering in fear* I'm sorry, Sir, I didn't mean—"
Lorenzo: "* smacks Ning Xiu* I don't care I GAVE YOU STRICT ORDERS! NOBODY CARES WHO YOU ARE!!!"
Ning Xiu : "It won't happen again, Sir."
— Lorenzo lecturing and hitting Ning Xiu for speaking out of turn